I’m Alexandra | Photographer and Friend


A bit of who i am

My name is Alexandra but my friends and fam have called me Alex since I can remember. I was born and raised in Miami, FL and I fell in love with photography in East Tennessee. I moved to Yuma, Arizona in July of 2019 and the desert out here has captured my soul.

I love hot weather, hot coffee, and a good glass of cab or merlot. As cliché as it is, I love to travel. I’m thankful for modern technology and all the places we get to see because of photographs, but nothing beats seeing somewhere in person and making memories for yourself.

Now for the deeper stuff. I’m a feeler. Easily moved by beauty and art whether it’s in people or in the world. I love hard and I admire true passion. There’s something wild and inspiring about someone who relentlessly builds their dreams or gives their all to something or someone they’re devoted to. This is why I photograph. To make art out of what seems like ordinary moments with your loved ones. To preserve these exchanges of love so that when the moments are gone and life has changed, the memories are tangible and everlasting in your hands in these photographs. It touches me deeply every time someone trusts me with their story and I honestly can’t imagine pursuing any other career path. Each and every story has grown me as a person and as a photographer and until this body of mine gives out, you can find me with camera in hand and ready to work. So! If you’re catching this vision, let’s make some art. I truly can’t express in words how excited I am to hopefully work with you.

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